
Articles In Each Location
  • Search patterns are supplied in the form:
    • [+|-]["|']text["|']
    Where the characters inbetween the [] brackets are optional. You can supply as many patterns as you want, patterns are treated as cases insensitive so beer will match Beer and bEeR etc.

  • Operators:
    • (") or (') The grouping operator; By default search patterns are parsed as whitespace delimited strings, to group words together to form a phrase surround the text with quotes. For example; to search for the phrase One Short Of A Llama, enter: "One Short Of A Llama" into the search field.

      (+) The require operator; If you dont specify an operator for a pattern it is considered to be optional, to require a pattern to be in the article prefix it with this operator. For example, to get articles containing the words Linux and Apache enter +Linux +Apache into the search field.

      (-) The exclude operator; all articles returned will not contain this pattern, ie; to find occurances of the phrase One Short Of A Llama without the word drinking, enter: "One Short Of A Llama" -drinking into the search field.

      (\) The quote operator; To remove the special meanings from any of the operators, prefix it with a \.