I feel like writing stories or just images about MECH Still haven't got a nice name for da game. maybe "Sleepless in Deep-Space Outpost VI" ( like it ) "Sleepless in D.S.O-6:" "A greeting" Inside the Command A.P.C it was slightly dark. Various glowing green status lights blinked from the men's com-gear and reflected of their las-rifles. The armored walls repelled any intrusion of sound from the vehicle's anti-grav propulsion unit. All was silent and arrestingly restless. The Sol commander checked in with his com-officer. "Give me second division's status Lieutenant." (static) "The second division has just left Refuel, and is juiced and mobile for Nav Gamma, sir." "Good." Outside, the white Mohaveh sun was crawling off the jagged horizon behind them. The A.P.C was safely behind a line of tanks and artillery that was advancing across the cold steppe like a tsunami. The cliff face was to their right. A river to their far left. They were to rendevous with second division at Nav Gamma, 30 klicks straight ahead and behind a convenient hill. "The enemy knows we're coming, sir, we can expect some resistance close to Nav Gamma." "I know that Major, you know that. What they don't know is that I have a small present lined up for them after the first confrontation; a little backup." Nav Gamma was a slight dip in the land and an abrupt mess of hills to one side. The other side was an opening to the enemy plains. 20 klicks in from the opening was the underground Rebel base, surrounded by turret defenses. The Rebel forces were arrayed behind the Nav Gamma hills, some mismatched tanks, infantry, artillery. 10 Harrier craft, recently purchased from the Deep-space mining co, fueled and armed at the rebel base. Neither sides new exactly where the enemy was, 3 days ago satellite presence of both sides was neutralised. Soon, each side would know exactly where eachother was. Second division became visible to the tank tsunami off to the left. It was within 5 klicks of Nav Gamma when a distressing call came from the second division com-officer. "Sir, Nav Gamma is attacking us sir!" "shit!" It could be seen; several large turrets de-cloaking and firing missile after screaming missile at the second division. "fire!" "Artillery firing, tanks are out of range sir!" Shells pumped out of the artillery barrels with an annoying 'phlump' sound. "Clever. cloaking turrets. must've got them from the society. War is the hand of politics Major. We can expect a future confrontation with the society." "sir." Before the rebel turrets were destroyed they had demolished half the second division. strange remnants of the spherical turrets littered the ground. First and second division had regrouped and formed for the final assault. It was pitch black, infantry fighting climate. The Sol APC's unloaded their infantry. "sir, we have 9 tanks down and a scratched A.P.C" "thats fine, i'm sure not all the infantry will return." a serene silence enveloped the whole Sol force. "sir, picking up an energy reading, 20 Klicks straight up." "That'll be the cavalry. Give the word, we attack in 5." "yessir" There were no cricket's chirping, no gentle whistling of the wind. The Sol infantry disappeared into the hill's welcoming folds. The tanks began to lurch towards the opening. A roar of super-hot gasses and the rebel harriers began an attack run on the Sol tanks. The AA-guns returned fire. Rebel tanks moved to meet the tanks. It was a contest of bringing to bare as much as possible through a small gap. And it wasn't pretty. "picking up an enemy transmission sir, putting it through" "(static) ander, welcome. Care for some boxing?" "mmm" The Support drop-ship fired its landing thrusters and lit up the battle field. "(static) dont like that present you've sent me... you know, with the Red Society and the Rebels allied, Sol can never win." Sol harrier jets spewed out of the side ports of the drop-ship, a product of launch-before-drop technology. Tanks on the ground pumped shell after shell 20 yards and into the rebel tanks. Infantry fired rockets from the cover of the hills. Harriers from both sides engaged. All happened in a patch of ground the size of an inner-city complex. The drop-ship completed its drop and accelerated towards the stars. 10 medium tanks rounded the cliff face and attacked the Rebel's from behind. The commander had judged perfectly the coordinates and time of the drop. The Rebel tanks were cut off from their base and the safety of its turrets. The Rebel leader pressed F1, and typed in 'DAMN YOU DENNIS MOORE!' Dennis Moore clicked on a medium tank and a harrier from his production panel. His harriers needed re-arming. He pressed '0' to gain control of his air force and clicked on the nearest F.A.R.P. 'YOUR NEXT, A_BLOB' 'WHERE'S SIMON?' simon was A_BLOB's partner. he also accidentally build his base on A_BLOB's, consequently strangling him. 'DAMN IT, HOW DO YOU BUILD SO MANY TANKS?' 'THANKS FOR THE HELP, PLASTYK' 'SOKAY' "A_BLOB HAS BEEN DEFEATED" YAy. I'm sorry, i cant write a serious war story. Don't forget babble.txt don't forget the binary thought now means something ( in text ). never smile at a used-car-salesman. yer, bi!